Valueraj Wealth Wire
(February 2021)

In India, it is our tradition that parents bear all the costs and conduct the weddings of their children as major family functions. However, due to rising costs, this tradition can cripple the finances of parents and push them into debts too. Hence, if you are a parent, do plan your finances now and start investing towards fulfilling this responsibility in future. The funds then will surely let you celebrate the occasion much more gracefully than otherwise.

Valueraj Wealth Wire
(January 2021)

In a growing economy, in addition to creation of new wealth, the old wealth also gets continuously transferred from Spenders to Investors, Old-Industrialists to New-Entrepreneurs and Inflation-Losers to Inflation-Beaters. That’s why most of the families of the Kings, Nawabs and Zamindars (of last century) have become middle/poor class families now. Hence, starting 2021, make sure that you are always on receiving side of this wealth transfer.

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