Financial Progress of Life

We believe that, there are 5 steps in the progress of everyone’s financial life.
Step I – Financial Security
As you know, there are always some risks lurking around you such as death, disability and Critical illness. These unfortunate events can disturb your investment plan and make you fail in achieving your financial goals. To protect from these risks, you must have appropriate insurance policies for life and health with adequate covers. As and when you have these insurance policies in force, you have achieved Financial Security.
Step II – Financial Stability
Even though you are adequately protected by insurance policies for known risks, there may arise some unknown risks that need immediate money. These risks are emergencies like job loss, parental illness, home repairs etc. These emergencies can make you liquidate your long-term investments in a hurry and thus cause a distraction in achieving your financial goals. To overcome this, you must have an adequate corpus invested aside and readily available for meeting any emergencies in future. As and when you have this emergency fund in place, you have achieved Financial Stability.
Step III – Financial Confidence
As like every person, you would have your family-specific financial goals like House Purchase, Children’s Education, Foreign Vacation, Loan Prepayment etc. You should have a strategy to utilize your current investments to achieve your goals on time. If there are any deficits, you should know how much to invest and how long to invest to fill these deficits. As and when you have made adequate investments to achieve your goals, you have achieved Financial Confidence.
Step IV – Financial Freedom
As you know, Retirement is the time to enjoy & do all the things that you missed earlier in life due to lack of time while you were working. In fact, you should plan to retire early at an age of your choice and aspire to maintain same life-style as is prior to retirement. You should know the amount of corpus required at the time of retirement so as to generate post-retirement income for the rest of life. As and when you have enough retirement corpus, you have achieved Financial Freedom.
Step V – Financial Nirvana
Having achieved all the 4 steps above, this step is final and optional. This step is possible only if you have excessive corpus and sources for your income in retirement life. You have become rich enough and have more than enough income for meeting your retirement life expenses. It’s time to consider using the surplus income towards Doing charities, Donations to communities, Giving back to society. As and when you have surplus income in your retirement, you have achieved Financial Nirvana.
We at Valueraj, shall guide you to find out in which step you are in currently & guide you to climb further to reach final step of Financial Nirvana sooner than later in life.