Financial Score — Knowledge Financial Wisdom Videos Blog Financial Score Would you like to know your Financial Score? Take a short quiz below for self-assessment: 1) Do you have a fixed budget for monthly expenses? a) Yes, follow it strictly b) Sometimes budget is missed c) Planning to draw up a budget d) Don’t need a fixed budget 2) How much of your monthly income do you save for retirement? a) More than 20% b) Between 10-20% c) Less than 10% d) Not able to save 3) In case of any emergency expenditure, what will you do? a) Have a emergency fund b) Liquidate some investments c) Take loan from bank d) Borrow money from friends & relatives 4) How long can your emergency fund sustain? a) More than 12 months b) About 6-7 months c) Less than 6 months d) Don’t have emergency fund 5) How big is your outstanding loans? a) No outstanding loan b) Less than 6 months c) Up to 1-5 years d) Beyond 5 years 6) Do you have any medical insurance? a) Self & employer cover for self & family b) Insurance for self & family c) Only group cover from employer d) No medical insuarance 7) How much is your total life insurance cover? a) More than 5 times of annual income b) Equal to 1-2 times of annual income c) Less than annual income d) Don’t have life insurance 8) How often you utilize your retirement savings, in case of emergencies? a) Never, they are for longterm b) Once or twice , due to urgency c) Quite often, to fund expenses d) Have no retirement savings Calculate your Total Financial Score based on your answers according to the points below. a- 3 Points b- 2 Points c- 1 Point d- 0 PointFinancial Score Results: