Wealth Care Solution
Wealth Preservation is more difficult than Wealth Creation!
Wealth Care solution is one of our wealth management solutions using mutual funds only and suitable for VHNIs (Very High Networth Individuals). This solution is for you, if you have already created enough wealth and now more focused on preserving it rather than growing it aggressively. You are a conservative risk taker now as compared to aggressive risk you might have taken in the past during creation of this wealth.
Our Wealth Care solution takes your conservative nature into account and deploys all your capital in debt mutual funds only. This solution avails CASTP (Capital Appreciation Systematic Transfer Plan) method available only in MF investments. In this method, your capital amount is invested in debt mutual funds and then, only appreciation amount from them is automatically transferred on monthly basis to equity/gold mutual funds as investment. In the medium to long term, debt mutual funds protect capital and equity/gold mutual funds generate relatively higher returns. Thus, the portfolio as a whole is expected to give inflation beating returns and thereby preserve your wealth. Of course, the growth of equity funds and gold funds in the portfolio eventually leads to steady growth of your wealth.
Attached below is an example which indicates the investment returns possible in this solution in the medium to long term. In this example, total capital is split into 3 parts and invested in 3 separate debt funds. First debt fund is for cumulative growth. Second debt fund is for monthly CASTP investment into an equity fund. Third debt fund is for monthly CASTP investment into a gold fund. As shown, the total portfolio value and returns increase as holding period increases. For this illustration, the average returns assumed in Debt MF, Equity MF and Gold MF are based on historic returns.