Mr. Peddareddy Rajasekhar
Founder & Managing Director
Address Info :Mr. Peddareddy Rajasekhar is the Founder & Managing Director of the company. Prior to starting this company in 2008, he had over 16 years’ experience in cellular telecommunications sector in the roles of technology development & business management. Significant part of this experience has been gained from living in Singapore and working regionally across South East Asia. Leveraging his professional experience in business management and personal experience in investing in stocks and mutual funds, he has started up this company to provide professional services to people in managing their personal finances. He has M.Tech (Master of Technology) from Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai; PGDFA (Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Advising) from Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, Mumbai and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM from Financial Planning Standards Board Limited, U.S.A.